Red Coconut Sweet Pudding
UHT Milk | 300 | g |
Rice Flour | 200 | g |
Sugar | 300 | g |
Lime Stone Water | 800 | g |
Tapioca Flour | 50 | g |
Mung Bean Flour | 25 | g |
Hale’s Blue Boy Concentrated Sala Flavored Syrup | 300 | g |
Salt | 1 | tsp |
Vanilla Powder | 1 | tsp |
1. Mix rice flour with tapioca flour, mung bean flour, sugar, salt and vanilla powder together. Set aside. |
2. Mix lime stone water with Hale’s Blue Boy Concentrated Sala Flavored Syrup and UHT milk. |
3. Gradually mix dry and wet ingredients together till well combined. Cook over medium heat in brass pan till the batter thickened. |
4. While hot put in the mould and scrape to surface. Leave to cool completely. |
5. Heat in microwave for 2 minutes. Leave to cool and ready to eat. |
Remark : Ratio of concentrated syrup and other ingredients can be adjusted according to consumers preference in each region. Source : Food News & Life, |
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