1. Fry shallot in vegetable oil till golden crispy. Strain and keep the oil.
2. Mix duck eggs with palm sugar, Hale’s Blue Boy Concentrated Sala Flavored Syrup, rice flour, salt and coconut milk together. Strain with muslin cloth. Add mashed red beans and cook in brass pan with medium heat. Keep stirring all the time to prevent the bottom from burning.
3. Pour the mixture into the tray. Bake at 450 degree Fahrenheit till set and has nice brown effect on surface. Remove from oven and brush the surface with shallot oil. Sprinkle fried shallots on top. Leave to cool completely and cut. Serve with whipped cream and sugar sprinkles.
Remark : Ratio of concentrated syrup and other ingredients can be adjusted according to consumers preference in each region. Source : Food News & Life,