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Assorted Melon on Ice

Assorted Melon on Ice


Watermelon, scooped 50     g
Melon, scooped 50     g.
Honeydew, scooped 50     g.
Cantaloupe, scooped 50   g.
Ice, shaved  100     g.
Hale’s Blue Boy Concentrated Cantaloupe Flavored Syrup  100     g.
Condensed Milk for decorating


1. Pressed shaved ice firmly in the bowl to make ice bowl.

2. Decorated with prepared fruits scoops. Refrigerate till served.

3. Pour Hale’s Blue Boy Concentrated Cantaloupe Flavored Syrup and condensed milk over before

Remark : Ratio of concentrated syrup and other ingredients can be adjusted according to consumers  preference in
each region.

Source : Food News & Life,

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